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Videos of High Availability Solutions (HA solutions): Demonstrations, Tutorials, Training

Evidian SafeKit

Demonstrations of SafeKit High Availability Software

SafeKit Webinar

This webinar presents in 10 minutes Evidian SafeKit.

It explores the different solutions available with SafeKit and their distinctive advantages.

Technical overview here

Demonstration of a Hyper-V Cluster

This video shows a Hyper-V cluster with real-time replication of entire virtual machines and automatic failover.

This is a typical architecture with high availability at the virtual machine level, with no need to write restart scripts per application. Hyper-V and KVM are supported, but VMware is not included in this configuration.

Virtual machines can run on both Hyper-V servers and they are restarted in case of failure.

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Demonstration of a Microsoft SQL Server Cluster

This video shows a mirror module configuration with synchronous real-time replication and failover.

This is a typical architecture with high availability at the application level, utilizing restart scripts per application (here SQL service). It is independent of the underlying infrastructure, whether it be physical machines or virtual machines under any hypervisor, including VMware.

Free trial here

Demonstration of a Network Load Balancing Cluster

This video shows a configuration with network load balancing and failover.

Network load balancing and failover are configured for a web service, but it works the same way for other services.

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SafeKit Webinar 2 mn

This webinar presents in 2 minutes Evidian SafeKit.

In this webinar, you will understand SafeKit mirror and farm clusters.

Slides here

Milestone XProtect Cluster

This video shows the configuration of a Milestone XProtect mirror module with synchronous real-time replication and failover.

After a failover, automatic restart and reconnection of a Recording Server is also demonstrated.

Free trial here

Tutorials on the SafeKit administration console

First use of SafeKit

This tutorial shows how to use the SafeKit console the first time after the download of the SafeKit package. You will see how to set-up the IP addresses of the servers in the cluster, how to set a replicated directory and a virtual IP address. The Configuration tab is demonstrated.

Edit failover scripts

In a high availability cluster, the critical application must restart automatically. This tutorial shows how to edit start and stop scripts in the SafeKit console to include start and stop of the critical application. The Configuration tab is demonstrated.

Monitoring a high availability cluster

This tutorial shows what happens when a server crashes in the SafeKit cluster management console. The Monitoring tab is demonstrated.

Set a replication network

SafeKit is making real-time replication of data. This tutorial shows how to set a replication network in the cluster management console. The Configuration tab is demonstrated.

Troubleshooting with the cluster management console

When the SafeKit console presents a red server, it means that the solution is no more high available. This tutorial shows how to manage a problem in a cluster and how to restart a high availability module. The Control tab is demonstrated.

Set a heartbeat timeout

The heartbeat timeout determines how much time a secondary server waits when the primary server crashes before restarting an application. The default timeout value is 30 seconds and is set to 15 seconds in this videos. The Advanced Configuration tab of the cluster management console is demonstrated.

Add a ping checker

This tutorial shows how to add a ping checker to an external router in a high availability module. If the router cannot be accessed by a server, the module goes to the WAIT red state on this server, When the router is accessible, the module on the server is automatically restarted and goes to a green state. The Advanced Configuration tab of the cluster management console is demonstrated in this video.

Other SafeKit videos

What are the needs in terms of high availability?

A short video that presents the needs in terms of high availability.

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High availability for dummies with Microsoft Paint :-)

A video showing how SafeKit works with Microsoft Paint.

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Software cluster versus hardware cluster

This video compares the SafeKit clustering software versus hardware clustering solutions.

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Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery with a single software

This video shows how business continuity and disaster recovery can be simply implemented with SafeKit without the need of a replicated SAN.

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High availability cluster between a laptop and a netbook

Understand in 5 minutes the simplicity of the SafeKit high availability solution and the resulting cost-savings with a demonstration of a Windows cluster implemented by a laptop and a netbook.

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Hyper-V Replication and Automatic Failover of VM Checkpoints and Settings

This video shows replication of VM checkpoints and settings (another video shows the replication of full VMs).

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Active-active cluster with real-time replication

This video shows an active-active cluster with real-time replication built with 2 SafeKit mirror modules.

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Clustering with load balancing and mirroring

This video shows a combination of load balancing, replication and failover with a farm module and a mirror module. A failover dependency between the farm and the mirror modules is demonstrated.

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Synchronous replication vs asynchronous replication

This video shows that no transactions are lost with synchronous replication on Microsoft Message Queuing while data are lost with asynchronous replication.

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Virtual IP address with load balancing and failover

This video shows how a virtual IP address with load balancing and failover works on Apache.

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Heartbeat, failover, quorum

This video shows how the split brain problem is solved for a cluster in a network isolation situation on the Microsoft SQL Server application.

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Automatic failback after a failover

This video shows replication of Microsoft Message Queuing with an automatic failback after a failover. Data are resynchronized while being modified.

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Master / slaves dependency between modules

This video shows a master / slaves dependency between modules in a SafeKit high availability cluster.

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Partners, the success with SafeKit

This platform agnostic solution is ideal for a partner reselling a critical application and who wants to provide a redundancy and high availability option easy to deploy to many customers.

With many references in many countries won by partners, SafeKit has proven to be the easiest solution to implement for redundancy and high availability of building management, video management, access control, SCADA software...

Building Management Software

Building Management Software (BMS)

Redundancy and high availability

Video Management Software

Video Management Software (VMS)

Redundancy and high availability

Electronic Access Control Software

Electronic Access Control Software (EACS)

Redundancy and high availability

SCADA Software (Industry)

SCADA Software

Redundancy and high availability

SafeKit Solutions and Quick Installation Guides

New application (real-time replication and failover)

New application (network load balancing and failover)

Database (real-time replication and failover)

Web (network load balancing and failover)

Full VM or container real-time replication and failover

Amazon AWS

Google GCP

Microsoft Azure

Other clouds

Physical security (real-time replication and failover)

Siemens (real-time replication and failover)

SafeKit High Availability Differentiators

To kickstart your journey with SafeKit, begin with the quick installation guides.

Packages (8.2)

One-month license key
