
Evidian > Products > High Availability Software - Zero Extra Hardware > Siemens Siveillance VMS: the simplest high availability cluster between two redundant servers

Siemens Siveillance VMS: the simplest high availability cluster between two redundant servers

With the synchronous replication and automatic failover provided by Evidian SafeKit

How the Evidian SafeKit software simply implements a Siemens Siveillance VMS high availability cluster?

The solution for Siemens Siveillance VMS

Evidian SafeKit brings high availability to Siemens Siveillance VMS, the CCTV video surveillance system, between two redundant servers.

This article explains how to implement quickly a Siveillance cluster with real-time replication and automatic failover of the management services and the SQL database. Management services and SQL can be split on several clusters.

Recorder redundancy

  • Replication of recorders is not suitable for SafeKit due to the volume of data.
  • The solution integrated into Siemens VMS can be used (failover recording server without real-time replication).
  • Two recorders can also run in an active/active configuration and the cameras are distributed so as not to lose all the cameras in the same area in the event of a failure.
  • The stream from each camera can also be sent to two recorders with the Vega / RMF solution.

A generic product

Note that SafeKit is a generic product on Windows and Linux.

You can implement with the SafeKit product real-time replication and failover of any file directory and service, database, complete Hyper-V or KVM virtual machines, Docker, Podman, K3S, Cloud applications (see the module list).

A complete solution

SafeKit solves:

  • hardware failures (20% of problems), including the complete failure of a computer room,
  • software failures (40% of problems), including restart of critical processes,
  • and human errors (40% of problems) thanks to its ease of use via its web console.

SafeKit quick installation guide with Siemens Siveillance VMS and SQL (SiveillanceVMS.safe mirror module)

Download the SiveillanceVMS.safe module and go the Milestone installation replacing milestone.safe by SiveillanceVMS.safe in the instructions.

How the SafeKit mirror cluster works with Siemens Siveillance VMS and SQL?

Step 1. Real-time replication

Server 1 (PRIM) runs the Siemens Siveillance VMS and SQL application. Clients are connected to a virtual IP address. SafeKit replicates in real time modifications made inside files through the network. 

File replication at byte level in a mirror Siemens Siveillance VMS and SQL cluster

The replication is synchronous with no data loss on failure contrary to asynchronous replication.

You just have to configure the names of directories to replicate in SafeKit. There are no pre-requisites on disk organization. Directories may be located in the system disk.

Step 2. Automatic failover

When Server 1 fails, Server 2 takes over. SafeKit switches the virtual IP address and restarts the Siemens Siveillance VMS and SQL application automatically on Server 2.

The application finds the files replicated by SafeKit uptodate on Server 2. The application continues to run on Server 2 by locally modifying its files that are no longer replicated to Server 1.

Failover of Siemens Siveillance VMS and SQL in a mirror cluster

The failover time is equal to the fault-detection time (30 seconds by default) plus the application start-up time.

Step 3. Automatic failback

Failback involves restarting Server 1 after fixing the problem that caused it to fail.

SafeKit automatically resynchronizes the files, updating only the files modified on Server 2 while Server 1 was halted.

Failback in a mirror Siemens Siveillance VMS and SQL cluster

Failback takes place without disturbing the Siemens Siveillance VMS and SQL application, which can continue running on Server 2.

Step 4. Back to normal

After reintegration, the files are once again in mirror mode, as in step 1. The system is back in high-availability mode, with the Siemens Siveillance VMS and SQL application running on Server 2 and SafeKit replicating file updates to Server 1.

Return to normal operation in a mirror Siemens Siveillance VMS and SQL cluster

If the administrator wishes the application to run on Server 1, he/she can execute a "swap" command either manually at an appropriate time, or automatically through configuration.

Typical usage with SafeKit

Why a replication of a few Tera-bytes?

Resynchronization time after a failure (step 3)

  • 1 Gb/s network ≈ 3 Hours for 1 Tera-bytes.
  • 10 Gb/s network ≈ 1 Hour for 1 Tera-bytes or less depending on disk write performances.


Why a replication < 1,000,000 files?

  • Resynchronization time performance after a failure (step 3).
  • Time to check each file between both nodes.


  • Put the many files to replicate in a virtual hard disk / virtual machine.
  • Only the files representing the virtual hard disk / virtual machine will be replicated and resynchronized in this case.

Why a failover ≤ 32 replicated VMs?

  • Each VM runs in an independent mirror module.
  • Maximum of 32 mirror modules running on the same cluster.


  • Use an external shared storage and another VM clustering solution.
  • More expensive, more complex.

Why a LAN/VLAN network between remote sites?


  • Use a load balancer for the virtual IP address if the 2 nodes are in 2 subnets (supported by SafeKit, especially in the cloud).
  • Use backup solutions with asynchronous replication for high latency network.

SafeKit, a recognized solution on the security market

Milestone has chosen SafeKit

SafeKit is deployed in 30+ countries with the video management software of Milestone.

SafeKit is validated by Milestone for redundancy and high availability of the management server.

SafeKit is the best solution because it is purely software, completely hardware-agnostic.

Solution preferred by Siemens

SafeKit is available in the Siemens marketplace with its Siveillance suite (video and access control) and with its SCADA software: Desigo CC (building management), SIMATIC WinCC, SIMATIC PCS 7.

SafeKit is deployed by Siemens in Australia, France, the Netherlands, Qatar, Switzerland, the UAE, the UK, the US.

SafeKit recommended by Nedap

Nedap, a key player in physical access control, recommends SafeKit for redundancy and high availability of its AEOS application.

The Nedap/SafeKit solution is available with a free trial and a quick installation guide.

TIL Technologies has chosen SafeKit

SafeKit is deployed in 100+ customer sites by TIL Technologies for access control and building management.

SafeKit is the high availability option of MICROSESAME.

Innovation award in Video Management Software

Readers of Benchmark Magazine (specialized in physical security systems for resellers & SI) have voted for SafeKit as an innovation in Video Management Software.

This award shows the importance of redundancy in security offerings.

SafeKit High Availability Differentiators