
Evidian > Evidian E-SSO named "Overall Leader in the Enterprise Single Sign-On market segment" by KuppingerCole

Evidian E-SSO named "Overall Leader in the Enterprise Single Sign-On market segment" by KuppingerCole

Evidian Enterprise Single Single-On wins the title of "Overall Leader" in this segment, thanks to its combined strong ratings in each of the categories measured by the report: Product strength, Market presence, innovation of vendors. Evidian is an established supplier on the E-SSO market, being a leader in this market for years.

KuppingerCole’s Leadership Compass is a tool that provides an overview of a particular IT market segment and identifies the Leader in that market segment. It is the Compass that assists you in identifying the vendors and products which you should consider for your E-SSO product decision.

According to KuppingerCole : “Evidian is highly experienced in providing smooth, proven, secure solutions for E-SSO. […] Evidian is among the clear Leaders in the E-SSO market segment and a logical pick for shortlists in that area”

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